Sunday, February 27, 2011


I've been sick.  *Just* a common cold.  But man is it kicking my head.  And my lungs, but mostly my head.  The pressure oh!  My eyes burn.  The gunk in my lungs will move on breathing in, but not coughing out.  If I don't take some medicine, its near unbearable.  If I do, I feel medicated.  Not drowsy, I can handle that, but almost jittery.  But oh well, I must breathe and not feel like my eyes will explode. 

So anyway, no long post about anything in particular, just woe is me.  Time to take some NyQuil and hope to sleep better than last night.  Gotta love winter.....


1 comment:

  1. Howdy! Janelle here from renegademothering (finally getting a chance to check out the blogs of my "followers."). MAN am I dying from this same "just cold." I hate it. Motherhood doesn't allow sick days. Damnit. Uncool. Speaking of sick days, it's 11pm and I am awake FOR SOME REASON (?) and I'm starting to feel loony i'm so goodnight...and great blog!
